Friday, April 3, 2020

Fruit City

Fruit city

Fruit City

As I wandered through the weird fruit city it started to

rain all sorts of fruits and the roads were all blocked.
On the roof of my dark green car there were sounds
plonking loudly,The different types of fruit were just
plummeting onto my car. While the fruits plunge onto
the road they splat out fresh and juicy pieces of fruit. 

All of a sudden there was some roaring noise just
across the giant fruit street, while I was going to check
it out I encountered an enormous pear laying on its
bottom. I heard thunder roaming it's way to fruit city.
The sounds of thunder were crashing emphatically
wandering over fruit city! I   panicked and ran into a
small,tight building for cover. The storm started and it
showered down hundreds and thousands of colourful

Towers started to crumble and began falling onto each
other,the whole city was getting destroyed by raining,
giant fruit!

By Zoey

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