Monday, May 28, 2018

How To Make Coconut Cream

How to make coconut cream

Coconuts are a key ingredient in Samoan cooking. Every part of the coconut is used. You can eat the
flesh raw or use it for cooking, you can drink the juice, the shell makes a handy cup or, together with
the husks, you can fuel a cooking fire. The most widely used product from the coconut is coconut
cream, so let me describe how the cream is traditionally made.  

You will need

Coconut / popo
Coconut husk
1.  Make sure that you be very careful and check that you have all the equipment and take a knife
turn it around and crack it until it's open.

2. Keep on doing it until it cracks open you can drink and do not hit it too hard the coconut  juice you
can also retain some for latter get the scrapper to scrap the flesh of and put your left hand on first if
your right handed and turn it to scrap it do the opposite if your left handed.

3. Once you finished both of the coconut get the coconut husk- (tauaga) and put the coconut in it also
add some coconut juice in it then squeeze it very hard keep on doing it until there is coconut cream
running out.

4. Once your finished you can make more or use the coconut shell to put in the fire or use the coconut
to feed pigs and chickens you can also eat the coconut as well. You now that you did a good job making

Now you now how to make coconut cream why not give it a try this is Samoan language week manuia
tele in samoan language week tofa.


Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Year 4's camp

Year 4’s Camp

Dear Mrs Ritchie

I am writing to express my opinion about why year 4’s should also go to camp.

You may believe that year 4 students are too immature to go to camp. However  I
disagree because activities such as kayaking and Mountain biking teach us important
skills we need now. Kayaking helps teach life saving in the vast ocean. Mountain biking
is also very important because it will teach those that can’t how to ride a bike.

Another good activity is Raft building, which teaches about teamwork and leadership.
You will also learn how to tie knots and build things. Archery is also something that can
teach you how to use your skills to hit a target. Archery is like a bow but you have to
aim and hit the target. It's like throwing a ball to hit the target but easier. Archery is all
about your aim because its like hunting for animals but hitting the target.

The reasons above are why year 4’s should go to camp like year 6 because you can
learn new skills and you can't be with your mum and dad forever because you have to
do things yourself when you grow up for yourself and camp would be a good way to star
t to be self reliant.

I look forward to hearing from you

Your sincerely


Thursday, May 17, 2018

States of Matter

States of Matter

There are three states of Matter solid,liquid and gas. They are the three states of Matter. You can find
them everywhere like your house and any were.


Solid is different to liquid and gases because solid is hard not like liquid or gases. For example a chair
is a solid because its hard and it can not change shape only if it was like a block of ice it will change into
a liquid.


Liquid is something like water and can change shape. It can change shape because they take the shape
of the containers. For example water, milk,coke, juice is a liquid because it can change shape and
move. Liquid doesn't need anyone to move it because it can move on its own.


There are different gases in the world for example smoke is one of the gas as well. The gas can be
invisible and there are more other gases that you might know about it like Carbon Dioxide. Carbon
Dioxide is a different to oxygen because Carbon Dioxide is a different gas.

This is the three states of matter and molecules are close together in solid so it can't move. The liquid
molecules is spread out and moving and the gas molecules are far away.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Gallipoli Letter

27th April 1918

Dear Dad

In Gallipoli it was very noise and people wounded. The terrible war is shocking me and the sniper was shooting in a hole hiding. We were carrying buckets up a hill and there's lots of flies. We are scared about our health because there are thousands of stinky flies around us. Some people was killed by the shells because the bad guys threw the shell and the shell exploded and the shell turned into little sharp pecses. People step on the prickly shell and they died. When it was night we digged a hole to sleep in and it was four feet deep so we slept in the hole. After the night we woke up and went to battle. It was hard to escape because it was narrow. I used the rifle to shoot our enemies.  

Love From Zoey

School photographs

Dear Photographs
I am writing to you to express my opinion about the way you take and arrange the class photographs.

I'm sure that you would keep the photographs the same. Keep the boys and girls at the top and the bottom.

Get the photographs all set up read to go and keep the size arrangement the same. The size of the photographs are perfect for it.

I like it the same because it pretty. I really feel that you should leave the background and the chair just like that. I like the background colour red.

I'm sure that most people think that keep it the same because it will take too long to do. All the photographs are organised and ready.

I'm absolutely certain that you should read my ideas most carefully. You may or may not agree with my opinions,but please do consider them.I look forward to hearing back from you.

Your sincerely,

Zoey Kuang