Monday, June 15, 2020

The Waking Giant

Precise noun
Descriptive adjectives and verbs
The waking giant
As the gigantic palace rumbled a rock stone giant was coming out of the smooth, even floor. The oak trees were swaying side to side elegantly like they were dancing, while the birds went chirp! chirp! Then the waking giant was full of rage and just then I heard him bellow...ROARRR! The elegant palace was shaking like in a giant earthquake!
Help!” Screamed the horrified public.

The earth was moving like crazy, windows were shattering and buildings were falling apart! After the magnificent giant was pulling itself up, his head came up then the whole body. All of a sudden a gigantic rumble shook the whole city to crumbs
Meanwhile, CRASH! Went the road, the whole entire city would be destroyed if this madness didn't stop!

 ROARRRRR!! The barely destroyed city shook continually and the river was SPLASHING around like a Miniature tsunami. Seawater was gushing everywhere and the city was going to drown!
AHHH! HELP ME! the public cried loudly
CLING CLASH! There went the unstabilized palace.

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